I've gotta admit, I was devastated-downright depressed when Polaroid announced it was no longer going to make it's instant film. There was no substitute, nothing could even compare with the joy that a Polaroid instant camera could bring. I have been hoarding the stuff, getting extra stingy as my supply dwindles and the cost of the film rises. So imagine my surprise and glee when I found this new addition to the Polaroid family. The Polaroid POGO is a digital instant camera printer that is compatible with both cameras and most cell phones. Through a USB cable it connects to your camera and produces an Instamatic 2x3 picture, just like the Polaroids of today. The pictures are also sticky, making it a nice way to document on a trip on the go. Even better is the price, a pack of thirty exposures runs around $10, much nicer than the $15 pack of ten. The Printer is currently running around $150, but I expect it to drop by Christmas time. Though it may not be the same as the instamatic that won my heart, it will be enough to get me through the grieving period.
Rumor has it Ilford might start making the film for the old Polaroid cameras. One can only hope!
Thanks for the tip Kyle, I will definitely keep an eye on that. As cool as this little gadget is, i'd still love to have the option of the original.
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