Last night we went to La Cita downtown and saw La Santa Cecilia.La Cita is pretty much a covered in Christmas lights and tequila,a pretty cool place with no real issue getting in at the door, it has an ample dance floor and red vinyl seating. It's the second time I've seen these guys, and they did not disappoint. The lead singer has one of the best voices around and their accordion player is insane. The band was followed by a DJ who did mash ups of Mexican music. All in all a good night, with the exception of the shitty bartender. Word to the wise, if you go to La Cita bring a flyer with the drink specials because the guy we had neither knew the specials nor wanted to give them. So if we hadn't had the flyer we would have had to pay double for the drinks.
Picture courtesy of Photobucket
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