Saturday, October 30, 2010

Haunting the Alexandria

Definitely one of the coolest interiors in Downtown Los Angeles. It made for a great evening and some very inspired photographs.

Ghouls Night Out at the Bigfoot Lodge

Started off the Halloween festivities with a bang at the Bigfoot Lodge. Great music, friends and cool costumes...all I ever wanted or needed.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weird Hollywood

Friday night I went to an amazing book launch party at Boardner's for "Weird Hollywood." The place was filled with Hollywood's most original characters and the people who love them. There was music and the whole party felt more like a huge performance art installation than a book launch.I know it's cliche to say "Fellini-esque" but that's a pretty good description, or maybe "Lynchian" is more fitting (as in David Lynch). Either way, it was hands down one of the most surreal nights I've ever witnessed. My favorite new friend was Count Smokula (pictured above), he's a very talented musician and one of the funniest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. So, if you want to delve into Hollywood's weird side, I suggest you buy the book-because it will take you there.

Buy the book HERE

The Most Wonderful Time.

This is my favorite time of the year, better than my birthday and Christmas combined. All week I've been watching ghost stories on TV and squealing with delight at all the cool things to buy in stores. Even the thrift stores are better right now, I swear they stockpile the good stuff just for Halloween.

Cooler than Most.

I love when women pull of a casual tomboy look that has both a vintage and a modern feel. Nothing about her looks contrived and yet I envy every piece of clothing she has on. She definitely makes an impact without trying very hard.

Image via the Sartorialist

Decisions, decisions....

So for Halloween I'm thinking of doing Peggy Bundy one night, then using the same wig to do Miss Yvonne the next.... I do Vampira instead? The only thing about Vampira is will people get it? Or am I gonna get mistaken for some lame vampire chick/Elvira ? Cuz Maila Nurmi was way cooler than that. Thoughts?


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